State Space Model
Given an arbitrary system, we can use various methods to describe it such as Transfer Function, Differential Equations and State Space Model. Here we mainly foucos on State Space Model and solve following questions,
What is State Space Model?
How to contruct the State Space Model of a specified plant?
How to convert State Space Model to other description methods like Transfer Function?
What is State Space Model?
State space model (SSM) refers to a class of probabilistic graphical model (Koller ...
Subspace, Null Space and Col Space in Linear Algebra
A subspace of a vector space VVV is a subset HHH of VVV that has two properties.
HHH is closed under vector addition. That is, for each uuu and vvv in HHH, the sum u+vu+vu+v is in HHH.
HHH is closed under multiplication by scalars. That is, for each uuu in HHH and each scalar ccc, the vector cucucu is in HHH.
In some materials, HHH has the third property that The zero vector of VVV is in HHH. This property could be inclued in Property 2 while c=0c=0c=0.
For example,
A line thro ...
动态系统 (System Dynamics)
System Dynamics 研究的究竟是什么?
与单纯的Dynamics(动力学)的含义不同,system dynamics 研究是的系统的动态特性,和 static system 相对应。要理解系统的动态特性,首先要从静态系统开始阐述。
I=VRI = \frac{V}{R}
LdIdt+RI(t)=v(t)L\frac{dI}{dt} + RI(t) = v(t)
因此,System Dynamics研究的就是系统的动态特性,系统的某个条件发生变 ...
荷兰的学校会帮忙在荷兰的**Immigration and Naturalisation Service(IND)**上申请学生过来的签证许可,等拿到该邮件的许可后便等可以在荷兰学习生活了。
带着IND的approval letter在荷兰驻中国大使馆上预约
学校邮件中会包含有IND的approval letter,该letter中包含有V-number,凭借此号码可以在大使馆网站上预约MVV的签证了。预约签证后,在预定的时间内带上有效的护照,录取通知书,approval letter等有效材料去大使馆采集指纹与盖章即可。盖章后的护照会在最多14个工作日后通过快递送回。
安排 ...
Hexo 中 Mathjax 渲染出错问题解决
Hexo 在使用 Mathjax 渲染数学公式的时候,由于 Markdown 语法与 Mathjax 语法冲突的问题,可能会导致使用到_, \ 符号的公式渲染出现错误。
缺点:需要安装pandoc, 引入额外的开销,博客的部分格式需要注意
12npm uninstall hexo-renderer-marked --savenpm install hexo-renderer-kramed --save
到博客根目录下,找到node_modules/kramed/lib/ ...
(转载) 通过 Github Action 自动部署 Github pages
转载自:通過 travis-ci 或者 GitHub Actions 自動化部署 GitHub Pages 和 Coding Pages
GitHub Actions
GitHub Actions 是 GitHub 於 2019 年底推出的自動化流程工具,它的功能很強大。而我們只需要用到它的構建。由於是 GitHub 自家的工具,我們無需再額外的註冊賬號,GitHub Actions 也集成在了 GitHub 界面上,我們只需點擊 Actions 進行創建。
創建 Actions
在 Hexo 目錄的倉庫,點擊 Actions Tab, 然後點擊 Set up a workflow yourself
把以下代碼複製到代碼框去, 注意如果倉庫中使用到子模塊,則需要將submodules設置為true
12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152name: 自動部署 Hexoon: push: branches: - mast ...
Git Submodules
Sometimes we have to include other Git repositories which are thrid-party repositories into our own Git repository. Git sumodules allow us to get it and track changes in several repositories via a centeral one. The extra repositories could be located anypwhere in a parent Git repository’s workspace and are configured through .gitsubmodules file located at the root of the parent repository.
Creating a submodule
Add a submodule
Clone a repository into the Local Folder as a submodule a ...
Tutorial of Building Your Own Blog via Hexo
Install dependencies
Install Nodejs and npm
In order to install hexo, Node.js and npm are required to be installed first.
Ubuntu (install Node.js LTS - v12.x):
12curl -sL | sudo -E bash -sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Download and install Node.js from its offical website.
Install Hexo
Hexo is a fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js. Hexo can be installed easily by npm:
1npm install hexo-cli -g
npm will be installed aut ...
File Handling (Python and C++)
All functions to handle file are provdied by operating system. In modern operating system, common programs are forbidden to read and write disk direcctly.
Hence, file handling is an operation which requests operating system to provide a file object and common programs operate files via handling the file object.
Create a File Object
To create a file object, we need to use the built-in open function. The open function returns the file object that contains methods and attributes to perform
v ...
Model Predictive Controller
Model Predictive Control (MPC) is an advanced method of process control that is used to control a process while satisfying a set of constraints. It has been in use in the process industries in chemical plants and oil refineries since the 1980s. In recent years it has also been used in power system balancing models and in power electronics. Model predictive controllers rely on dynamic models of the process, most often linear empirical models obtained by system identification. The main advantage o ...