Given a system, we have various methods to define its properties, including State Space Model, Transfer function, Odinary differential equations and etc. Different description methods can be interchanged.
Given a CT(Continuous-time) or DT(Discrete-time) system,
Notice that transfer fucntion descirbes properties of the sytem in frequency domain.
Details about state space model could be seen at this link: State Space Model
Response of the system
Now we connect the system with their response in time domain. Given a sytem in state space model with their inital condition x0 and input u(t). Their general response satisfy the following equations
Impulse reponse generally refers to the output of the system when the input is a unit pulse function. In other words, the initial condition of the sytem x0=0 and input u(t)=δ(t).
A simple method to compute eAt
Given a state space model, if we would like to know its response in time domain. It’s needed to calculate eAt. A simple method to calculate is computing (sI−A)−1 or z(zI−A)−1 then use inverse Laplace or Z-transform.
Canonical Form
Given a transfer function G(s), we can use Canonical Form to derive its state space model.