A subspace of a vector space V is a subset H of V that has two properties.
H is closed under vector addition. That is, for each u and v in H, the sum u+v is in H.
H is closed under multiplication by scalars. That is, for each u in H and each scalar c, the vector cu is in H.
In some materials, H has the third property that The zero vector ofVis inH. This property could be inclued in Property 2 while c=0.
For example,
A line through the origin in R2 is a subspace.
The xy-plane in R3 is a subspace.
The set of all polynomials P is a subspace of C[0,1].
只需要根据定义,将该空间的向量 x,y 代入两个条件验证即可。
Span(线性生成空间)is the set of all linear combination of specialized vectors.
For example,
Means span(v1,v2,...vn) is generated / spanned by v1,v2,...vn.
span(v1,v2,...vn) is a subspace of V.
Null space
Given a matrix A∈ℜm×n. The null space or kernel of A is defined as
Column space
Given a matrix A∈ℜm×n. The column space or image of A is defined as the set of all linear combination of the colums of A.
But how to compute the null space and column space of a speified matrix?
For example,
how to get Nul(A) and Col(A)?
Convert matrix A to the row minimal matrix. The specific calculation process is omitted here.
We know that the pivot number represents the location of dependent variables and the remaining variables are called free variables. In this row minimal matrix, the pivot numbers are 1, 2, 4.(非零行的第一个非零元所在的位置)Hence we could get two basis of the vector space:
let Aξ1=0 and Aξ2=0, we get the values of x,y,z respectively.
Null space
Use the basis to represent null space
Column space
After we get pivot number, we get the column space as well since column space consists of the column vectors of pivot number in A.